Things tagged children
After it was posted several times on social media, I finally watched a short video of a French father comforting his child who was asking about the terror attacks in Paris. His answer was that we would fight the bad men with guns with flowers and love. The child looks… Read more »
An envelope arrived in the mail a month or so ago. I didn’t recognize the name on the return address, M. Kunin. Opening it, I realized who it was from: my father had jokingly written the name of the former governor of Vermont on the return address. Inside was a… Read more »
My daughter and oldest son have very different takes on this portrait by Raphael. A while back I was asked for some thoughts on art, beauty, and God. A few of those comments made their way into this nice article on beauty by Anamaria Scaperlanda Biddick in Our Sunday Visitor…. Read more »
Last night we escaped the clutches of giant spiders in Mirkwood. My kids, aged six, five, and three, all began to run around the room shouting about spiders and elves. I shut our copy of The Hobbit and set it back on the shelf for next time. Since the kids… Read more »