Eleanor Bourg Nicholson
Eleanor Bourg Nicholson is the assistant executive editor for Dappled Things and assistant editor for the Saint Austin Review (StAR). She is editor of several Ignatius Critical Editions volumes, and has collaborated with other editors to provide footnotes for numerous others. Her epistolary novella, The Letters of Magdalen Montague (2011), is available through the kind patronage of Kaufmann Publishing. Her work has appeared in the National Catholic Register and Touchstone, as well as with First Things and The Catholic Thing.
It is 1900, the dawn of a new century. Even as the old Queen’s health fails, Victorian Britain stands monumental and strong upon a mountain of technological, scientific, and intellectual progress. For John Kemp, a straight-forward, unimaginative London lawyer, life seems reassuringly predictable yet forward-leaning, that is, until a foray… Read more »